

Non-Technical Limitations of E-Commerce

Sunday, November 28, 2010

(1) Lack of touch and feel online
(2) Many unresolved legal issues.
(3) Rapidly evolving and changing EC.

(4) Breakdown of human relationships.
(5) Expensive and/or inconvenient accessibility to the internet.
(6) Cost and Justification. The cost of developing an EC in house can be very high, and mistakes due to lack of experience. There are many opportunities for outsourcing, but where and how to do it is not a simple issue.
(7) Security and Privacy. Though technically improving, the customers perceive these issues as very important and therefore the EC industry has a very long and difficult task of convincing customers.
(8) Lack of Trust and User Resistance. Customers do not trust an unknown faceless seller, paperless, transactions, and electronic money.

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