

What is the Internet?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Internet is collection of millions of computer that connect to the peoples of all around the world in order to share information. Nobody in the world is the owner of the internet man organizations, institutes and people run it. Internet makes these huge world global villages.

The internet is composed of people, hardware, and software. With the proper equipment on both ends, you can sit at your computer and communicate with someone anyplace in the world. You can also use the Internet to access vast amount of information, including text, graphics, sound, and videos. From your computer you can send e-mail, listen to the music, “chat” with people on another continent, do banking buy Jewelry, Books, Flowers, Cars, work with others on an electronic whiteboard, and, with the appropriate equipment, video-conference.

The internet involves 3 basic elements: server, client, and network. A server is a computer program that makes data available to other programs on the same or other computers. It “serves them. A client is a computer that request data from a server. A network is an interconnected system in which multiple computers can communicate, via copper wire, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, satellite transmission, etc. When you use a browser to go to a site on the World Wide Web, you access the site’s files. To locate sites of interest you may want to use an online finding service called a search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN.

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