

Internet and E-Commerce Security

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Internet users face massive amounts of problems from and vulnerability to viruses, worms, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. While users are on the internet they are also exposed to sniffers who like to spoof private sessions and phishing of financial information.
Users also constantly subjected to invasion of privacy; however there are numerous amounts of spy ware available for monitoring and protection. The users are also subjected to malwares that stop or totally destroy their computers or networks render them helpless and useless. By observing the Internet it indicates that it is not a safe place for online users unless they have protection and security.

In fact corporations and government organizations have the same problems. Corporate information is constantly being hacked, emails are being read without permission, and banks are being hacked and millions stolen. Some of the reasons behind such attacks include the weaknesses inherent in the networks of the companies and government organizations; other reasons include carelessness of users. Whichever the case internet security issues have become one of the major concerns for technologists and users alike.

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