

Marketing Mix

Thursday, December 23, 2010

According to Stanton marketing mix is a combination of four elements (4Ps) Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion activities used to
satisfy the needs of an organization’s target market(s) and, at the same time, achieve its marketing objectives. Every business enterprise has to determine its marketing-mix for the satisfaction of needs of the customers. Marketing-mix represents a blending of decisions in four areas - Product, Pricing, Promotion and Place. These elements are inter-related because decision in one area usually affects actions in the others.

The basic purpose to determining the marketing-mix is to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers in the most effective manner. As the needs of customers and the environmental factors change, the marketing-mix is also changed. Thus, marketing-mix is a dynamic concept. It concentrates on how to satisfy the needs of the customers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said...
The basic purpose to determining the
marketing-mix is to satisfy the needs
and wants of the customers in the most
effective manner. As the needs of customers
and the environmental factors change, the
marketing-mix is also changed. Thus,
marketing-mix is a dynamic concept. It
concentrates on how to satisfy the
needs of the customers.
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