

Marketing Mix

Thursday, December 23, 2010

According to Stanton marketing mix is a combination of four elements (4Ps) Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion activities used to

Marketing Situation Analysis

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Marketing Situation Analysis requires significant investigation of the organization’s product and services in relations to

Electronic Payment System (EPS)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An electronic payment system (EPS) is a system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in the online environment that is facilitated by


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software. Best of all, Joomla is


Monday, November 29, 2010

osCommerce is a free, open source online shop software. The default installation includes a large number of features that you can easily enable and configure. osCommerce can add multiple products

Electronic Marketing

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Electronic Marketing was fueled by the potential of revolutionizing the manner in which organizations conducted their entire business operations. In the past decade, with its rapid explosion of Web technologies, marketers have experienced excitement and panic; trial and error; and success and failure as they created online business and expanded into electronic channels of distribution.

Human Resource Management

“Human resource management (HRM) is planning personnel needs; recruiting, selecting, training, and developing capable employees; placing them in productive work environments; and rewarding their performance.”

Internet and E-Commerce Security

Internet users face massive amounts of problems from and vulnerability to viruses, worms, bugs, Trojan horses, etc. While users are on the internet they are also exposed to sniffers who like to spoof private sessions and phishing of financial information.

E-Commerce Business Integration

By virtue of its similarities, the scope of operation for E-Commerce is nearly as broad as traditional commerce. E-Commerce includes both traditional activities (e.g. providing product information) and new activities (e.g. conducting online retail in virtual malls, publishing digital information).

Non-Technical Limitations of E-Commerce

(1) Lack of touch and feel online
(2) Many unresolved legal issues.
(3) Rapidly evolving and changing EC.

Technical Limitations of E-Commerce

(1) Lack of sufficient system security, reliability, standards, and communication protocols.
(2) Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth.
(3) The software development tools are still evolving and changing rapidly.

The Benefit of E-Commerce

Ecommerce allows people to carry out businesses without the barriers of time or distance. One can log on to the Internet at any point of time, be it day or night and purchase or sell anything one desires at a single click of the mouse.

The direct cost-of-sale for an order taken from a web site is lower than through traditional means (retail, paper based), as there is no human interaction during the on-line electronic purchase order process. Also, electronic selling virtually eliminates processing errors, as well as being faster and more convenient for the visitor.

Disadvantage of E-Commerce

• Security concerns.
• Consumers not being able to touch the item they are buying.
• Expense of setting up or purchasing e-commerce systems.
• Finding staff with appropriate internet experience.
• Risk of fraud.
• Inability to grow quickly if business is very successful.
• Marketing expense.
• Customers do not trust an unknown faceless seller

Advantage of E-Commerce

• Lower transaction cost
• Online business operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Increase in volume of Purchases.
• Variety in modes of Shopping
• Improved relations with customers.
• Get the impression that you are a bigger business than you really are.

Differences between E-commerce and E-business

There is a debate among consultants and academics about the meaning and limitations of both e-commerce and e-business. Some argue that e-commerce encompasses the entire world of electronically based organizational activities that support a firm’s market exchange including a firm’s entire information system’s infrastructure (Rayport and Jaworksi, 2001). Other argues that e-business encompasses the entire world of internal and external electronically based activities including e-commerce (Kalakata and Robinson, 2001).

E-commerce and E-business

E-Commerce is the process of buying and selling or exchanging of product service and information by computer networks, it can be defined from the following perspectives:

• From a communication perspective, EC delivers goods, services, information, or payments over computer networks or by any other electronic means.
• From a commercial trading, EC provides the capability of buying and selling products, services, and information over the Internet and via other online services.

Internet Benefits

The Internet is the world’s biggest computer network, connecting millions of people and organizations in global information society. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Nowadays one can access the internet easily. The access to information being one of the most important, students can now have access to libraries around the world. Some charge a fee but most provide free services.

Disadvantage of Biometric Identification System

Different technologies may be appropriate for different applications, depending on perceived user profiles, the need to interface with other systems or databases, environmental conditions and a host of other application-specific parameters. Biometrics has some drawbacks and loopholes. Some of the problems associated with biometrics systems are as follows:

• Most of the technologies work well only for a “small” target population.
• The level of public concern about privacy and security is still high.
• Biometric technologies do not fit well in remote systems. Biometric systems do not handle failure well.

Advantage of Biometric Identification System

Identification in computer systems is done based on measures like keys, cards, passwords, PIN and so forth. Unfortunately, these may often be forgotten, disclosed or changed. A reliable and accurate identification technique may be designed using biometric technologies, which are further based on the special characteristics of the person such as face, iris, fingerprint and voice etc. This technique of identification is preferred over traditional passwords and PIN-based techniques for various reasons:

• The person to be identified is required to be physically present at the time of identification.
• Identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token.

M-commerce (Mobile Commerce)

M-commerce is about the explosion of applications and services that will become accessible from Internet-enabled mobile devices. It involves new technologies, services and business models. It is quite different from "traditional" e-commerce. Mobile phones or PDAs impose very different constraints than desktop computers. But they also open the door to a slew of new applications and services for consumers and enterprises, which will likely start generating tens of billions of dollars a year in revenue within the next few years.

Biometric Identification System

A biometric identification system essentially is a pattern recognition system that makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioural characteristic possessed by the user. Biometric technologies are thus defined as the “automated methods of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on a physiological or behavioural characteristic.”

Types of E-Commerce

There are different types of e-commerce and many different ways to define these types. We distinguish different types of e-commerce by the nature of market relationship (i.e., who is selling to whom). The exception is m-commerce, which are technology- base distinctions.

What is E-Commerce?

Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or EC, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage.

A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.

What is the Internet?

Internet is collection of millions of computer that connect to the peoples of all around the world in order to share information. Nobody in the world is the owner of the internet man organizations, institutes and people run it. Internet makes these huge world global villages.



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