

Electronic Payment System (EPS)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An electronic payment system (EPS) is a system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in the online environment that is facilitated by
a digital financial instrument (such as encrypted credit card numbers, electronic checks, or digital cash) backed by a bank, an intermediary, or by legal tender.

EPS plays an important role in e-commerce because it closes the e-commerce loop. In developing countries, the underdeveloped electronic payments system is a serious impediment to the growth of e-commerce. In these countries, entrepreneurs are not able to accept credit card payments over the Internet due to legal and business concerns. The primary issue is transaction security.

The absence of inadequacy of legal infrastructures governing the operation of e-payments is also a concern. Hence, banks with e-banking operations employ service agreements between themselves and their clients.

The relatively undeveloped credit card industry in many developing countries is also a barrier to e-commerce. Only a small segment of the population can buy goods and services over the Internet due to the small credit card market base. There is also the problem of the requirement of “explicit consent” (i.e., a signature) by a card owner before a transaction is considered valid-a requirement that does not exist in the U.S. and in other developed countries.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mobile card swipers are one of the newest technologies available in the secure electronic payments industry and bank card system.
Mobile credit card processing - Mobile card swipers are one of the newest technologies available in the secure electronic payments industry and bank card system.

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