

Google Plus

Monday, May 26, 2014

google plus

Google+ is basically Google's latest attempt at creating a social network. Unlike with Facebook where uploading a post will show up on user’s profile for all of user’s friends to see, Google+ lets users do things a little differently. Circles, Sparks, Hangouts, Instant Upload and Huddle are major features of Google+. The concept of Circles is user can have a family Circle, a BFF Circle, a co- workers Circle, and even an “Epic bros” Circle. Sparks is a feature that
lets users select certain areas, interests or hobbies that user particularly like. Google+ Hangouts are quick video "conferences" that enabling broadcasters to go live with friends and fans, for around the world to see. Instant upload which lets users take a photo and instantly upload it to a private album in the cloud server. Huddle is one of the best features of Google+ is Huddle, which lets users coordinate with friends and family in real-time.

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